
Bucket List #4: Watch The Script Concert

Since the day I watched Bucket List movie with my brothers, I pledged to myself that I would have my own Bucket List. On one afternoon I just sat down and started to write down some of the things that I have to do before I die. Life is short, I don’t want to “go with the flow”, I want to take control and make sure that I get everything I want.

So, if you still don’t have your own dream list, I’d tell you several reasons why you should write it down immediately:

1) Writing your goals will make you more likely to achieve it. The power of visualization is very strong. I read so many self-help books and there’s always a part where you have to hang pictures of your dreams so you can visualize your future every time you look into it. (If you read “The Secret”, you know what I’m talking about)

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