I tell you what.
The next time you go somewhere beautiful and exquisite – doesn’t matter whether it’s white-sand beach and endless ocean, the look of city lights in 22nd floor, or the top of mountain where you can almost touch the sky – don’t do anything.
I mean it. Don’t capture it with your Canon nor Nikon.
Don’t update your status, don’t check-in, don’t put it in Instagram
Just don’t.
For a moment, embrace the world and embrace it whole-heartedly.
Feel the air
Clear your mind
Close your eyes
Convince yourself that you being in that place is the sweetest reality. And that you don’t have to brag about it, don’t have to tell everyone where have you been. It’s almost certain that people don’t give a fuck about it anyway.
For once, do it like when Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok do not exist.
Share your adventure with yourself, try to remember every detail of it, instead of taking a picture and just leave.
Mark your trace.
And remember, you can always come back anytime
Originally written 16 February 2014