The adventure during my study in New Zealand
Last Emirates Flight EK451 (Auckland-Bali)
When I started this year, I thought my lifelong dreams were about to come true. But it’s all about to get tossed when …
The adventure during my study in New Zealand
When I started this year, I thought my lifelong dreams were about to come true. But it’s all about to get tossed when …
Baru mulai kuliah, tiba-tiba pandemi Covid-19 menyerang kemana-mana. Setelah menjalani perdebatan batin, aku memutuskan untuk menunda studi dan pulang ke Indonesia.
Minggu ke-4 di Auckland dihabiskan dengan jajan di Grey Lynn Farmer’s Market. Lalu, mampir ke toko buku Dear Readers yang cakep banget! Here’s …
On my fourth week in Auckland, I went to Auckland Domain and the Wintergardens to catch up some readings. What a beauty this …
Minggu ketiga di Auckland diisi dengan perkuliahan pertama dan eksplorasi ke Devonport, kota kecil tapi amazing. Check out the story here!
The second week in Auckland was awesome. I hiked Mt Eden, volunteered at the Auckland City Mission, and watched Harry Potter at Silo …
Setelah menempuh perjalanan kurang lebih 10 jam, akhirnya sampai juga di New Zealand! I fell in love in the first sight with Auckland. …