It feels like yesterday I just wrote the 2018 Kaleidoscope, and yet, here we go again. It’s time to look back to everything …
I was trying to remember all the details, because I know it’s gonna be my last one. And when you know it’s gonna …
Tiga tahun berjalan. Tiga tahun belajar. Tiga tahun berkembang. Ini saatnya menuliskan eulogi bagi kantor FleishmanHillard dan hal-hal baik di dalamnya.
“Menjadi manusia gua” adalah istilah yang aku pakai untuk mengkondisikan diri dan otak biar siap bekerja produktif tanpa interupsi. Simak di sini caranya!
Go out there and do at least ONE THING that has no reward whatsoever. Just like when you’re a kid, do something just for …
Once upon a time, there is this one legendary question every interviewers must ask, “What is your greatest failure?”. And for me, who …